Le diagramme voyageur reçu il y a quelques jours va repartir cette semaine et sa nouvelle destination sera l'Angleterre =D
J'ai terminé la broderie mais pas encore décidé comment j'allais la monter !
Un peu plus automnale qu'hivernale... je verrais plus tard...d'abord il y a Noël à préparer :)
Et puisque je ne reste jamais désœuvrée bien longtemps, entre une broderie qui doit rester secrète pour le moment et cette grille voyageuse ... j'ai eu le temps de faire un tout petit quelque chose
Un petit pingouin tout mimi avec son bonnet péruvien qui se balance désormais au rétroviseur de la voiture de super moitié :)
La photo ne l'avantage pas trop, mais j'ai utilisé une chute de lin bleu ciel...
A très vite pour la suite !
Aujourd'hui c'est vraiment en coup de vent =)
A quick hello today to announce the new destination of the travelling pattern =)
I finished the stitching last week but still haven't decided how I want to finish it !
As it's a bit 'autumnal' I will decide later and first finish all the Christmas projects....
I changed the colour of the flowers. They should be light brown but I made them red.
Just because when they were all stitched I realised I made a mistake and stitched them in red =D
As I found they were beautiful this way I let them in red =D
So who's next ? =)
You were only 2 to want & stitch it, so I used the simplest number generator ever... I tossed it up !
And it is Andrea at the Craft Room who won with the heads side of the coin =D
Congrats sweetie.
Can you pleasee-mailme your address so that I can send you the chart as soon as possible
As you saw , between a stitched piece that has to remain secret for the moment and this travelling pattern I just had time to stitch a little ornament =)
It comes from the last special issue of Just Cross Stitch for Christmas (I'm the lucky owner of a digital version of that terribly wonderful issue :D Couldn't resist)
It is called Yellow Penguin and was designed by Casey Buonaugurio
Mine is more Blue Penguin than Yellow as I stitched it on a small scrap of blue linen =)
Isn't he cute with his Peruvian bonnet ?
He is now hanging at the rear-view mirror in Super Half's car =D
I'll be back soon
J'ai terminé la broderie mais pas encore décidé comment j'allais la monter !
Un peu plus automnale qu'hivernale... je verrais plus tard...d'abord il y a Noël à préparer :)
Et puisque je ne reste jamais désœuvrée bien longtemps, entre une broderie qui doit rester secrète pour le moment et cette grille voyageuse ... j'ai eu le temps de faire un tout petit quelque chose
Un petit pingouin tout mimi avec son bonnet péruvien qui se balance désormais au rétroviseur de la voiture de super moitié :)
La photo ne l'avantage pas trop, mais j'ai utilisé une chute de lin bleu ciel...
A très vite pour la suite !
Aujourd'hui c'est vraiment en coup de vent =)
A quick hello today to announce the new destination of the travelling pattern =)
I finished the stitching last week but still haven't decided how I want to finish it !
As it's a bit 'autumnal' I will decide later and first finish all the Christmas projects....
I changed the colour of the flowers. They should be light brown but I made them red.
Just because when they were all stitched I realised I made a mistake and stitched them in red =D
As I found they were beautiful this way I let them in red =D
So who's next ? =)
You were only 2 to want & stitch it, so I used the simplest number generator ever... I tossed it up !
And it is Andrea at the Craft Room who won with the heads side of the coin =D
Congrats sweetie.
Can you pleasee-mailme your address so that I can send you the chart as soon as possible
As you saw , between a stitched piece that has to remain secret for the moment and this travelling pattern I just had time to stitch a little ornament =)
It comes from the last special issue of Just Cross Stitch for Christmas (I'm the lucky owner of a digital version of that terribly wonderful issue :D Couldn't resist)
It is called Yellow Penguin and was designed by Casey Buonaugurio
Mine is more Blue Penguin than Yellow as I stitched it on a small scrap of blue linen =)
Isn't he cute with his Peruvian bonnet ?
He is now hanging at the rear-view mirror in Super Half's car =D
I'll be back soon