J'espère que tout le monde a passé un Joyeux Noël :)
Pour nous il aura été très bon, trop court comme toujours...
Au pied du sapin beaucoup de cadeaux, mais avant de parler des cadeaux 'fait main' offerts pour l'occasion...les cadeaux reçus
Et oui...encore.... =)
Père Noël est d'abord arrivé des États Unis
Carol m'a envoyé ce diagramme de Lizzie Kate, des aiguilles à broder et un petit ruban de saison
Un des 12 de la série Jingles ... il va falloir se retenir de ne pas craquer sur les autres maintenant =)
Mille merci encore Carol.
L'an prochain sur l'étagère de saison il y aura pour sûr cette petite déco !
Père noël a ensuite fait un détour par l’Italie. et quel détour !! Je ne vais surement pas lui en vouloir !
Giovanna m'a gâtée avec ce très joli cadre d'une fée papillon
N'est elle pas magnifique ?? Et le cadre aussi. il faut voir l'arrière ! du travail de pro
Un énorme merci pour ce très très beau cadeau.
Quand je vous le disais que le soulier avait été bien rempli !
Et c'est pas fini comme dirait l'autre à la télé :)
On va en garder un peu pour la prochaine fois...
La dernière photo est celle d'un nouveau diagramme voyageur qui repartira la semaine prochaine, reçu d'Isabella , accompagné de tissus , d'épingles et d'un magazine !
Noël encore =)
A très vite
I hope everybody had a great Christmas ... here we had =)
It has been a too short day as usual , but we had a great family time and I have been spoiled !
Before speaking of the hand made gifts offered that very day, I want to show you what still arrived in the letter box =)
Santa made a detour by the USA and brought me a beautiful card from Carol , together with needles, a lovely ribbon and...a chart from Lizzie Kate
Can't you see my happy face from where you are ? =D
It's one of the 12 'Jingles' and now...it will be difficult to not succumb to the 11 others =)
Thank you so very much again Carol for this beautiful gift you made me.
For sure, next Winter there will be another cute ornie on the seasonal shelf ...
Then Santa made a detour by Italy. And what a detour again !
Giovanna over spoiled me with this wonderful fairy
Incredible stitching in a very beautiful frame.
You're too kind sweetie, thank you so much again.
Can you believe that I'm now having a 'more than 2 weeks' happy dance ? =D
In the wind , I must admit, but a lengthy happy dance anyway !
Now I have a travelling pattern to share with you.
I received it from Isabella (with so many beautiful goodies !!! Look at these beautiful fabrics ! Thank you once again my sweet friend) and it will soon need another home for its next step around the world =D
It is Summer Garden by LHN.
I started it this weekend and I will draw a name next Monday... ho my... next year in fact :)
If you want to be the next step of its travel all around the globe, please say it in your comment to this post.
Of course , as usual, to be one of the recipients, you must have a blog, be an active & trustworthy blogger (I'm sure you all are my dear followers =D) , be ready to stitch it quickly as soon as you have received it and choose another home for it once you've finished.
So who wants to have her name in the hat ? =)
Before leaving I want to very warm welcome my new followers.
Have a great week, and I'll be back soon
Pour nous il aura été très bon, trop court comme toujours...
Au pied du sapin beaucoup de cadeaux, mais avant de parler des cadeaux 'fait main' offerts pour l'occasion...les cadeaux reçus
Et oui...encore.... =)
Père Noël est d'abord arrivé des États Unis
Carol m'a envoyé ce diagramme de Lizzie Kate, des aiguilles à broder et un petit ruban de saison
Un des 12 de la série Jingles ... il va falloir se retenir de ne pas craquer sur les autres maintenant =)
Mille merci encore Carol.
L'an prochain sur l'étagère de saison il y aura pour sûr cette petite déco !
Père noël a ensuite fait un détour par l’Italie. et quel détour !! Je ne vais surement pas lui en vouloir !
Giovanna m'a gâtée avec ce très joli cadre d'une fée papillon
N'est elle pas magnifique ?? Et le cadre aussi. il faut voir l'arrière ! du travail de pro
Un énorme merci pour ce très très beau cadeau.
Quand je vous le disais que le soulier avait été bien rempli !
Et c'est pas fini comme dirait l'autre à la télé :)
On va en garder un peu pour la prochaine fois...
La dernière photo est celle d'un nouveau diagramme voyageur qui repartira la semaine prochaine, reçu d'Isabella , accompagné de tissus , d'épingles et d'un magazine !
Noël encore =)
A très vite
I hope everybody had a great Christmas ... here we had =)
It has been a too short day as usual , but we had a great family time and I have been spoiled !
Before speaking of the hand made gifts offered that very day, I want to show you what still arrived in the letter box =)
Santa made a detour by the USA and brought me a beautiful card from Carol , together with needles, a lovely ribbon and...a chart from Lizzie Kate
Can't you see my happy face from where you are ? =D
It's one of the 12 'Jingles' and now...it will be difficult to not succumb to the 11 others =)
Thank you so very much again Carol for this beautiful gift you made me.
For sure, next Winter there will be another cute ornie on the seasonal shelf ...
Then Santa made a detour by Italy. And what a detour again !
Giovanna over spoiled me with this wonderful fairy
Incredible stitching in a very beautiful frame.
You're too kind sweetie, thank you so much again.
Can you believe that I'm now having a 'more than 2 weeks' happy dance ? =D
In the wind , I must admit, but a lengthy happy dance anyway !
Now I have a travelling pattern to share with you.
I received it from Isabella (with so many beautiful goodies !!! Look at these beautiful fabrics ! Thank you once again my sweet friend) and it will soon need another home for its next step around the world =D
It is Summer Garden by LHN.
I started it this weekend and I will draw a name next Monday... ho my... next year in fact :)
If you want to be the next step of its travel all around the globe, please say it in your comment to this post.
Of course , as usual, to be one of the recipients, you must have a blog, be an active & trustworthy blogger (I'm sure you all are my dear followers =D) , be ready to stitch it quickly as soon as you have received it and choose another home for it once you've finished.
So who wants to have her name in the hat ? =)
Before leaving I want to very warm welcome my new followers.
Have a great week, and I'll be back soon